glory . writer | noun
a writer who chooses to use their pen for a purpose beyond themselves, a purpose of reaching the masses, bringing glory to their Creator through their creation and using their gift of writing to change the world… one word at a time.
choose your own adventure:
for writers
Let’s write together! We’ve created and all-inclusive community that offers everything you need as a writer to grow and thrive in your craft.
for readers
Do you have an insatiable craving for quality stories that feed the heart, mind, and soul? Check out the Glory Writers Bookstore and find your next favorite read.
for authors
Glory Writers was created to be a one-stop resource for storytellers in every stage of the writing and publishing journey. Whether you’re looking for editing services, cover design, or coaching, we’ve got you covered.

who we are
Glory Writers is a growing community of writers who are seeking to glorify God with their writing!
We seek to honor Him by putting our best foot forward into the publishing world and pursuing excellence through our creations. Glory Writers seeks to do this with every single author that we work with via the services that we provide!
We want to see you succeed with your book, promote it well, and see the return on the investment of faithfulness that you have poured into it before sending it to market.

want to try the Author Adventure Training Program FREE?!
get the first three lessons FREE when you sign up for our newsletter:
Dive into the Author Adventure Training Program!
These lessons are designed to ignite your passion, hone your skills, and empower you on your path to becoming a confident and impactful writer. Dive into them at your own pace and let the journey begin!
Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect from these lessons:
- Lesson 2: THE POWER OF FICTION AS A MINISTRY by Tessa Emily Hall
- Lesson 3: WRITING WITH GOD by Victoria Lynn
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