we’re Glory Writers.
writers set apart to tell stories for God’s glory.
Glory Writers is a growing community of writers who are seeking to glorify God with their writing!
We seek to honor Him by putting our best foot forward into the publishing world and pursuing excellence through our creations. Glory Writers seeks to do this with every single author that we work with via the services that we provide!
We want to see you succeed with your book, promote it well, and see the return on the investment of faithfulness that you have poured into it before sending it to market.
The Glory Writer Manifesto
A Glory Writer is one who chooses to use their pen for a purpose beyond themselves. a purpose of reaching the masses, bringing glory to their Creator through their creation and using their gift of writing to change the world. . . one word at a time.
We believe in the individual story. That not only are we as authors writing a story that could impact the world, but that the Lord has a unique and special story He is writing for us that will do the same. Your journey is unique and we stand behind every author who is following the path set before them by the Author of their souls.
We stand with and for writers who will put their hearts on the line and write stories that impact the world with hope. We aren’t looking for another tale told to fit into some mold or market that already exists, we are looking for the extraordinary, the out-of-the-box thinker, the mold breaker, and the unique soul who will chase the things of God with diligence and will portray hope through words.
We believe that Jesus is King, Christ is Lord, and He is the only way, truth, and life. And we believe that this knowledge should ABSOLUTELY impact our writing. Overtly Christian or not, we encourage all of our writers to infuse their stories with hope and truth founded on scripture so that they can change the world for the better through their writing.
We understand that not every journey to publishing is going to look like another. And with that knowledge, our goal was born. A goal to assist, guide and inform you through the publishing process… whatever your path of choice may be.
With a specialty in Independent and Small Press publishing, Glory Writers works hard to assist those who want to get their books out into the world, but have most of the responsibility on their shoulders. From publishing services such as editing, proof-reading, formatting, cover design, and more, we want to offer you the full package, at prices you can afford, and working with people who catch your vision and stand with your mission.
We know that publishing doesn’t stop once your book hits the shelf. With experience and specialty in the marketing department, we want to equip you to not only publish a book, but to sell yourself and your books well, equipping you to make this a career that will actually earn you an income.
We believe it is possible. We believe in you and the unique story you were born to tell. We believe in the Master Creator who has bequeathed His gift of creativity and storytelling to us, His children.
Our Core Values:
~Chooses to put others first and display a nurturing heart towards them.
~Is diligent, industrious and productive.
~Self-motivated and forward thinking
~Has creativity, dreams and imagination.
~Displays teachable and humble qualities.
~Has a heart to glorify Jesus Christ in all that they do.
Meet the Team!

Meet Victoria Lynn
Founder, Editor in Chief, Designer and Writer.
As the founder and creator behind Glory Writers, Victoria has been working in the publishing community as an author, service provider and coach for over six years. She has a passion for seeing creative writers grow in their gifts, their faith and their community. An avid author and entrepreneur, her greatest passion is seeing others fall in love with their Creator and encouraging them to emulate Him with their creations.
connect with victoria!

Meet Olivia Jarmusch
Coach, Marketing, Editor
Olivia Lynn Jarmusch is a prolific writer of modern Christian YA. Her heartfelt passion for creating pure and lovely fiction for teen girls can be seen in each of her 9 published works with The Tales of Tarsurella and Regal Hearts. In addition to Secrets of Royalty (an allegorical tale woven into a 30 Day Devotional), her God-given gift for storytelling can be seen in her songwriting, and other creative pursuits. Olivia has built up years of experience within the self-publishing industry, executed marketing strategies, and assisted clients in life-giving coaching sessions.
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Meet Alexandria Grace
Writer & Contributor
Alexandria Grace is a dreamer, a doer, and a daughter of the King. She is a writer who knows her pen is a powerful weapon, and desires to encourage and equip those young and old through her writing in the truth that they can both wear crowns and carry swords. In her free time, she enjoys drinking excessive amounts of tea, getting lost in a good political thriller, listening to epic orchestral music, watching classy movies, and creative photography.
connect with alexandria!

Meet Micaiah Keough
Editor in Residence
Micaiah has been writing her whole life, and she swears storytelling runs in her veins. She’s passionate about helping other writers hone their craft, fine tune their prose and grow in their unique voice. She believes in cultivating creativity and that there’s power in the written word to bring light and beauty to dark places. When not getting lost in fictional worlds, Micaiah is most likely pouring lattes at her day job, hanging out with her friends and family, traveling whenever she can, and trying to keep up with her plethora of hobbies.
connect with micaiah!

Meet Abigayle Claire
Editor in Residence
Abi weaves hope into the relatable, everyday struggles of fictional characters. She believes that words have a timeless magic if used well, which is why she has spent the last six years helping others infuse their own prose with purpose. When she’s not working or spending time with her large family and fiancé, she can be found reading multiple books, adding to her list of unpopular opinions, re-watching one of her many favorite period pieces, or admiring wild mushrooms.
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Meet K.E. Stanton
Writer & Editor
K.E. Stanton (known by the general populace as Kiki) is a devout writer of science fiction. While she has dabbled in historical fiction, contemporary, and fantasy, she has found science fiction to be both where she feels called and her creativity thrives. With over 10 years in the industry, she has a passion for helping other writers reach their full potential. When not writing or editing her own out-of-this-world (literally) novels, Kiki can be found perusing the library, going on another adventure, baking up healthy concoctions or daydreaming about the future.
connect with kiki!

Meet Tessa Emily Hall
Tessa Emily Hall is an avid coffee-lover and award-winning author of seven inspirational yet authentic books for teen girls–both fiction and non-fiction. Her passion for writing led her to pursue publishing at an early age, and she landed a contract at sixteen years old. The lack of clean fiction for teen girls is what ultimately led her to pursue a career in publishing as a literary agent for seven years. In addition, she worked as an acquisitions editor for Iron Stream Media and launched their teen imprint, Illuminate YA Fiction.